We're sure the new year, new me effect is still going strong, especially as we're officially in 2018 (Happy new year, everyone). If you're like us, you're probably as motivated as ever to start working out more, eating healthier, and drinking more water (or wanu). We kicked things off last week with @brandijeanneb on how she's continuing on her healthy habits into 2018. Today, we're sharing how Terra of Love & LaRock is committing to keeping her family active and keeping on top of hydration with wanu for the new year! Read on below!
Tell us a little about yourself!
My name is Terra and I am lifestyle and motherhood blogger. During the day I am a school psychologist and at night after my two-year-old daughter goes to bed, I write about all things motherhood, marriage, and mindful living on my blog, Love & LaRock. We live in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, but I am a desert baby by heart as I grew up in sunny Phoenix, Arizona. We are raising our daughter to be bi-lingual in both English and Spanish. Our dream is to one day live in Mexico. I love connecting with others, so please feel free to say hi anytime!
How does keeping hydrated with wanu get you through the day?
Being a working mother can be so challenging. I notice that when I start my morning out with a 5-minute meditation and a bottle of wanu, I am much more present and ready to take on the day. I used to start my day off with sugary drinks that made me feel a crash mid-morning. Once I skipped to drinking wanu, I have noticed that I am much more relaxed. wanu has been a wonderful addition to my daily routine.As a mom, how do you make sure the family keeps their new year's resolutions?
We try to keep our resolutions simple and attainable. My husband and I have talked about doing more things as a family like hiking and riding bikes. We are really good about doing family yoga, but we want our daughter to be able to appreciate the great outdoors. So we made it this year's goal to get outside, wander often and show our daughter how wonderful it is to exercise outside. As a Mom, it is easy to get hung up on the to-do list and forget about our goals. To hold us accountable, we each wrote out some qualities that we want to instill in ourselves and to model for our daughter alongside our goals and hung them on our bathroom mirror. This will serve as a great reminder to stick to our plans to help us reach our goals.
Want to start 2018 healthy and hydrated like Terra? Click here to save $1 on your next purchase of wanu!